
People Behind the Strategy

Connecting with candor, leading with compassion.


ur Values

At ESSENCELY, we don't compare ourselves to others because we always do what is right for us.

We are a team of creative thinkers. Our employees are community builders and lifelong learners constantly seeking new ways to make a positive influence.

In our empatheticaly-driven approach, we never start with predetermined solutions, assumptions or expectations on the first day. We believe that no one knows your business better than you, and we begin our relationships with all our clients in the same way: by listening, asking smart questions and working together to come up with answers.

Committed to creating one-of-a-kind solutions to deliver weekly unique consulting information and digital analysis with measurable and sustainable influence, we work with you and embed into your team to create a bond, to earn the mutual trust, and to assist businesses in creating value and achieve the maximum economic benefit.


ommunity Drive

We have always been committed to giving 10% of our income to charities that help groups in need like disadvantaged children. This spirit is deeply ingrained in the way we do business.

As a company and individuals, we seek unique ways to engage with organizations that have a meaningful impact on our communities, and our team actively participates in this beneficial work. It is in our DNA to lend a helping hand.

For example, as volunteers for World Vision India, we:

  • Donated 10% of income of ESSENCELY to support charitable projects that benefit vulnerable children of World Vision India
  • Donated 10% of all order proceeds from Silkessence to NAMI

Each ESSENCELY employee has his or her own personal career and interests, which are deeply cherished by all of us. We volunteer, fundraise and organise together, and it is this wish to do good that unites our team.

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